Winter Storm Preparation: Make Sure Your Home Is Ready

Here are some preparations to consider:

Wrap exposed pipes with insulation sleeves or 2 inches of Underwriters Laboratories (UL)-listed heat tape.

Install foam insulator caps/covers on exterior water faucets.

Caulk cracks and holes in the home's outer walls and foundation. Holes left by cable installation can also leave pipes exposed.       

Clear rain gutters, repair roof leaks, check your roof to make sure it can handle the extra weight of the snow and ice, and cut away tree branches that could fall on your house.

Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors with battery backups.

Consider buying alternative heating resources. All heaters that run on fuel (natural gas, kerosene, butane, oil) should be vented.

Veteran Handyman LLC can help you prepare your home now!


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